Featured Websites

Featured client 2: Luminous Electric

Michael-Rassel-Work-Samples Luminous Electric electricians
Lumelect.com (current client) – Luminous Electric electrician website

When Luminous Electric first hired my team, they had one truck and three employees. Several years later, they have fifteen trucks, 25 employees, and three locations. Throughout this growth, my team has provided services in SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Email Campaigns, Analytics, website rebuilds, and content revisions.

#1 Google search for “electrician bradenton”

Featured client 3: Algonot

Michael-Rassel-Work-Samples Algonot Nutraceuticals
Algonot.com (current client) – Algonot nutraceuticals website

Algonot products resulted from years of research by Tufts University Professor, Theoharis C. Theoharides, one of the world’s most-cited authors on mast cells. I developed an e-commerce system on their website that generates hundreds of orders per month. My team provides monthly website maintenance, content publishing, social media ads, Google Shopping ads, email campaigns, and Analytics.

Featured client 4: Dimmitt Automotive Group

Michael-Rassel-Work-Samples Dimmitt Automotive Group
Dimmitt.com (current client) – Dimmitt Automotive Group website

One of the largest Automotive Dealership Groups in central Florida for whom my team has provided Internet Marketing services since 2016. I created a custom ADF/XML exporter to send website forms directly from WordPress into the client’s CRM, adhering to the Auto-lead Data Format (ADF), which is a programming standard for sending website form leads to automotive dealerships.

100+ Websites

Here is a list of the 100+ websites I developed and managed that are still current:

Michael Rassel has worked on web development projects for:

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